Art is taught as a block of lessons termly:
To develop colour mixing and the acquisition of painting skills we have an annual Painter of the Year competition. To inspire our work each key stage study an historical artist and duplicate a well-known piece of work.
An understanding of how art and design have impacted society and vice versa is interwoven throughout the curriculum to set it in context.
In the Foundation Stage
In the Foundation Stage, through the development of the Creating With Materials aspect of the EYFS curriculum children begin their journey as artists.
They will:
Gain an understanding of Art as a form of self-expression and a method of communication
Explore colour, line, texture, and form
Develop the fine motor skills to use a variety of tools, processes, and materials
Art skills are taught through small group adult focused modelled sessions and children consistently have the opportunity for self-expression and exploration within the continuous provision in a variety of two- and three-dimensional mediums.
Each of our Art projects includes reflecting upon the work of an artist, designer, architect or photographer that can inspire our own creations.
To support the building on of previously taught skills and knowledge our curriculum is structured around five Key Concepts:
Being an Artist
Within this phase as artists children will gain an understanding that they have control over the aesthetics of their art. They can have a vast range of options and it is their personal choices that determine the outcome of their work. Children will explore; One tool making a variety of marks, one material being manipulated in several ways and different combinations of pigments creating new colours. As artists, pupils will be given the opportunity to see the work of other’s and describe them aesthetically whilst beginning to form an understanding of style.
Children will be taught:
The work of the artists Britto, Kandinsky , Jacob Lawrence and designer Orla Kiely will be used to reflect upon and inspire.
Being an Artist
Previously learnt skills and knowledge will evolve and be embedded moving into this phase. As artists, children will fine tune their ability to represent; marks, textures, forms, lines and colours. Sketches and guidelines will pay a more pivotal role as tools for drawing and design supporting a greater level of detail and precision. They will gain a greater understanding of material’s limitations whilst becoming more effective in their use of tools. With improved observational skills and knowledge of colour theory the mixing of colour will become more proficient and purposeful. Our young artists will become much more aware of the work of others’ and that it frequently is portraying meaning and messages that are influenced by the artist’s surroundings.
Children will be taught:
Through the explicit teaching of Art skills and identified knowledge, both the teachers and the pupils can assess their learning throughout the unit of work. Our assessment systems enable teachers to make informed judgements about the depth of their learning and the progress they have made over time.
Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs. Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as an Artist: