
The Academy uses Nottingham City Councils for administering the process of admissions into school for reception children and in year admissions. Information about how to apply for a school place, can be found on the link above.

Please click on the link for further information on the admissions process for St Ann’s Well Academy including applying for a place and the appeals process.

Nottingham City Council Admissions

Nursery Admissions

If you would like your child to attend our wonderful nursery, we administer the admission process. Please ring the main school number 01159155808 to register your child . We will put your child’s details on our waiting list and contact you as soon as a place becomes available.

We offer places for children the term after their third birthday.

Find out more about nursery and early years at St Ann’s Well Academy.

Please note:

A place in our nursery does not mean your child will automatically be allocated a school place, you will have to apply through Nottingham City Council, see the link above.