Personal, Social and Health Education helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. The PSHE curriculum incorporates Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE).
St Ann’s Well Academy’s key intentions that drive our PSHE curriculum are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is consistently prioritised as a Prime Area of learning. Children will:
PSHE is delivered through a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with Department of Education: Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education and the National Curriculum. Pupils are taught knowledge and skills through three core learning areas, each of which incorporates three sub themes:
The teaching of PSHE also occurs incidentally through our core school values and social, moral, spiritual and cultural development throughout varying parts of the curriculum.
St Ann’s Well Academy children will:
Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a Reader and Writer: